Genomics Testing, Machine Learning Among Fastest-Growing Technologies

As we plan our careers, it might be interesting and relevant to know about the fastest-growing technologies, since growth often translates into job opportunities. 

report from IFI CLAIMS Patent Services  lists the top 10 technologies in 2018 compared to patent applications in calendar 2017. Genomics testing led the pack with an increase of 2.5 times, not %. If this is your silo, stay in it.

Other topics in the top 10 are medical imaging, +186%; machine learning, +116%; followed by healthcare sensing and tracking at 115%.

Other laboratory-related topics getting honorable mention are rubber polymer and co-polymers and macromolecular compounds.

A visit to the IFI CLAIMS website provides more detail, including patents by companies (IBM leads) and country. These might be useful for a candidate to cite in job interviews.

Robert L. Stevenson, Ph.D., is Editor Emeritus, American Laboratory/Labcompare; e-mail: [email protected]

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