Applied ddPCR Technology Advances Molecular Detection

 Applied ddPCR Technology Advances Molecular Detection

by Michelle Racey, Applications and New Product Support, Digital Biology Group, Bio-Rad Laboratories

Measurement is the torch of scientific exploration. It illuminates all natural processes and directs researchers to the best next steps toward evidence-driven discovery. For this reason, technology that produces accurate, quantifiable data drives modern research from experimental lab procedures to results that inform biological discoveries and healthcare solutions. In molecular biology, the analysis of nucleic acid components within samples, especially those in limited quantities, requires advanced and sensitive tools. One such method is Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) technology, which offers a versatile approach with applications in clinical settings and various research and development pursuits. Harnessing the power of ddPCR methods elevates life science research to a whole new level of precision insights.

What is ddPCR Technology?

The ddPCR technique begins by dividing a sample into 20,000 emulsified droplets, each containing a single copy of a specific target nucleic acid sequence. Traditional PCR methods are then employed to amplify the contents of each droplet, and any amplified target DNA can be identified using a fluorescent probe. This tagging mechanism allows for the differentiation of "positive droplets" containing the target sequence from droplets lacking it. By examining the statistical distribution of positive and negative droplets, a definitive and quantitative measurement of the relative abundance of the nucleic acid sequence in the original sample is obtained. 

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